How Many Internet Users Are in Bangladesh and Which Mobile Network They Preferred The Most?

We all know about the popularity & increasing demand for the internet worldwide. There is nothing to say like a traditional introduction for the Internet.

The internet is a part, actually a vital part of our lifestyle. We can happily miss out on eating, drinking, studying but not the internet.

In the Bangladeshi context, the idea of the internet was totally new a few years back. But the scenario has changed dramatically with time. In the present day, you wouldn’t find even a single person who is unaware of the internet whether they are actively using it or not.

The Internet Users in Bangladesh

From the year 2000 to 2009 the users grew from 186,000 to 617,300. But according to the survey, only 0.4% of the population used to use the internet.  In the past, the internet was not so popular due to its unavailability in rural places, high cost, poor service, etc.

In spite of these difficulties, in 2011, internet users had grown tremendously. Within 2 years the numbers have grown by 90% with a user worth of 5,501,609.

The primary reason that is preventing the internet from growing fully in Bangladesh is service distribution. There are still many places where the network doesn’t provide coverage. In urban areas, people can not access the internet uninterruptedly.

However, in 2019 the total number of internet users is more than 93.7 million. As of 2021, the total number of internet users has to turn to 4.66 billion.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a worldly known system for computer networks. Anyone with permission can access the internet anywhere in the world.

It was invented by the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) of the U.S government in 1969. Earlier it was used for communicating between researchers from one University to another.

How does the “Internet” work?

The internet works through a fixed channel with the help of the Internet Protocol (IP), The Transport Control Protocol (TCP), and so on.

If you are not familiar with the protocol, let me make it clear. The internet protocol is a set of rules that guides the computer to perform accordingly.

So, I hope now it’s clear that the internet works according to some prefixed rules to deliver the best result.  

There are a few other types of hardware that strengthen the internet channel (route) such as servers, routers, cell phone towers, satellites, smartphones, etc. These are considered particles. The device you are using to read the article is counted as one too. 

Internet in Bangladesh

Like every other large & small country, the internet in Bangladesh has also grown to an extreme extent.  In April 2019 internet users in Bangladesh increased to 93.702 million.  And in 2021 the number of internet user has reached 112.713 Million. The users are increasing continuously even more after the launch of 4G speed.

The story of the internet in Bangladesh is not new. In the early 90s, there was a dial-up system to access email.  People had to provide Bulletin Board Systems locally.

Then gradually in 1996, the business started growing & people showed their interest in this. At that time, Bangladesh had two registered Internet Service Provider companies.

In 2006, a new submarine cable optic fiber connectivity was launched. In 2008, Bangladesh had turned the submarine cable optic fiber connectivity into an individual company called Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL). Which is going strong till today.


Internet Services

National Internet Exchange (NIX) & International Internet Gateway (IIG):

All ISP & similar service providers generate traffic (user) in these two ways. NIX manages all the local traffic & IIG is the managing department of global internet connectivity.

Internet Service Provider (IPS):

These are the companies that provide internet connection locally. Till 2005 the total numbers of ISP companies were 180. By 2016, there were 119 registered companies as found in log & in recent years, there are approximately 65 companies in each central zone.

Mobile operators:

Mobile operator companies provide internet connectivity at a low price. That is why most of the people in Bangladesh are prone to use mobile data. The calculation says about 90% of Bangladeshi internet users access the internet using mobile devices.   

Among all popular mobile operators Banglalink, Teletalk, Grameenphone, & Robi offer 3G & 4G in 64 districts.


4G in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has entered into the digital age of internet speed.  BTRC has permitted 4G licenses in 2018 to Banglalink, Teletalk, Grameenphone & Robi.

From then till date around 11.6 million mobile phone users have started using 4G connectivity. BTRC has reported, till December 2018, the total number of internet users was 91.3 million & 85.5 million out of the total consumers are mobile internet users.

The registered companies provide high-speed internet to users under 4G connectivity. But out of Dhaka, the service is yet to improve.  

4G connectivity per Mbps outside Dhaka by the mobile operator companies are:

Operator Khulna Rajshahi Rangpur Barisal
GP 4.63 Mbps 6.69 Mbps 6.88 Mbps 5.1 Mbps
Banglalink 4.96 Mbps 5.1 Mbps 4.68 Mbps 3.56 Mbps
Robi 5.39 Mbps 6.75 Mbps 6.51 Mbps 4.89 Mbps


Internet Options that Popular Bangladeshi Mobile Operators are providing


Banglalink Digital is a successful Service Provider in the leading Telecommunication industry.

Baglalink believes in making a difference. So, they always try to confront users with something awesome & reasonable.

Banglalink has a lot of amazing offers, Packages, Talktime offers, SMS Bundle Pack, Recharge Offers, Internet Offers, etc.

In Bangladesh, internet users are highly into Banglalink Digital for using the internet. Because of the offers & price range, these packages are extremely popular among young users.

One great news for BL users is that, Banglalink won the Ookla Speedtest Award for the third time running in 2021 for serving the fastest 4G mobile network in Bangladesh. So now the internet you are using will be run at Banglalink Full Speed 4G.

Banglalink the Fastest Internet Network in Bangladesh
Today we will talk about the internet offers provided by Banglalink. You will intuitively know who is ruling the mobile network industry & why.

So, let’s start.

1 GB Packs 2 GB Packs 3 GB Packs 4 GB Packs 5 GB Packs 6 GB Packs 7 GB Packs 20 GB Packs Small Packs
1GB BDT 36 4 Days 2GB BDT 50 7 Days 3GB BDT 58 4 Days 4GB BDT 108 7 Days 5GB BDT 46 30 Days 6GB BDT 299 30 Days 7GB BDT 114 7 Days 20GB BDT 129 7 Days 200MB BDT 18 3 Days
1GB BDT 16 7 Days 2GB BDT 89 7 Days 3GB BDT 249 30 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 75MB BDT 13 4 Days

The great news is that now you can easily avail of all the amazing internet offers by using ‘MyBL App’.



Grameenphone, commonly known as GP is a dominating Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh.

They are known for providing high-speed internet across the country. Their offers & packages are mentioned below:

Volume Package Offer Package Social Package
30GB BDT 998 30 Days 10GB BDT 198 72 hours 26MB(Facebook) BDT 1.57 3 Days
15GB BDT 649 30 Days 6GB BDT 148 7 Days 86MB (Facebook) BDT 6.28 7 Days
5GB BDT 399 30 Days 3GB BDT 108 7 Days 340MB BDT 19 28 Days
3GB BDT 289 30 Days 2GB BDT 54 3 Days 46MD (Video Pack) BTD 6.28 3 Days
1.5GB BDT 239 30 Days 1GB BDT 89 7 Days N/A
1GB BDT 183 30 Days 1GB (Bioscope) BDT 17 7 Days N/A

Robi / Airtel:

Robi Axiata is one of the most famous mobile operator companies in Bangladesh.

They are well-known for their offers & cost management. Robi provides internet offers, career options, Talktime offers, packages, etc in a comparatively low cost.

Let’s have a look into their internet offer list,

1 GB Packs 2 GB Packs 3 GB Packs 4 GB Packs 10 GB Packs 15 GB Packs 20 GB Packs
1GB BDT 41 3 Days 2GB BDT 239 28 Days 3GB (Freedom + Carry Forward) BDT 109 28 Days 4GB (Freedom + Carry Forward) BDT 316 28 Days 10GB BDT 199 7 Days 15GB BDT 649 28 Days 20GB BDT 999 28 Days
1.1GB BDT 101 7 Days 2GB (Talktime + SMS) BDT 251 28 Days N/A 4.5GB BDT 129 7 Days 10GB (7GB+ 3GB 4G) BDT 501 28 Days N/A N/A
1GB BDT 48 4 Days 2GB (Freedom + Carry Forward) BDT 54 3 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1GB BDT 128 28 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1GB+50Minutes+100SMS BDT 98 7 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1GB (IMO) BDT 53 28 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1GB (Facebook + Whatsapp) BDT 49 30 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1GB ( Freedom Ad-on) BDT 23 3 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Teletalk Bangladesh:

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited, widely known as Teletalk, is the first nationalized Global System for Mobile operator service in Bangladesh. It started its journey in 2004.

Teletalk is so popular today because of its service quality. In any government event, Teletalk has exclusive access for its quality service & availability.

It is repeatedly noted for its affordable price range & well-grounded internet offers. Teletalk has a bunch of internet offers that you can get at a reasonable price like never before.

The offers are enlisted below, 

Regular Data Pack Exclusive Data Pack
60 MB BDT 9 3 Days 1GB BDT 23 7 Days
250MB BDT 24 7 Days 1GB BDT 46 30 Days
500MB BDT 39 10 Days 2GB BDT 85 30 Days
2.5GB BDT 78 10 Days 3GB BDT 63 10 Days
3GB BDT 33 3 Days 5GB BDT 97 10 Days
5GB BDT 301 30 Days 10GB BDT 189 15 Days
10GB BDT 445 30 Days N/A
15GB BDT 649 30 Days N/A
20GB BDT 849 30 Days N/A
30GB BDT 1169 30 Days N/A
65GB BDT 2225 30 Days N/A

As we’ve come to the endpoint of the topic, it may have been clear to you that our country has some of the best mobile network provider companies already.

By the content, you’ve already got various internet options to choose from.

We hope the article will be a great help to specify the perfect mobile network for your best interest. Thanks for making it till the end.


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